
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Benign breast disease in females is very interesting as it has diverse varieties and presentations and also causes apprehension of malignancy to the patient. With variants in occurrence and presentation in different age groups it poses a great challenge to the study the pattern of disease, try and formulate the presentation archetype and histological variants of various types of benign breast diseases, and manage them. While at the same time confidently reassure the patients of that being not malignant. METHODOLOGY: 50 patients were studied with respect to clinical pattern, age, behavioural precedent, incidence among the patients in and around the institute which gives an idea of the prevalence of benign breast diseases. Appropriate investigations and management protocols were used. RESULTS: Fibroadenoma is the most common benign breast disease followed by fibroadenosis and cystosarcoma phyllodes. Mean age for our population with highest incidence of benign lesions is 27 years. Most common presentations are lump in breast, mastalgia, nipple discharge. FNAC was used as handy tool for planning and execution of the treatment by choosing the appropriate modality. Ultrasonography and mammography helped in differentiating benign from malignant lesions. Excision was treatment of choice for fibroadenoma, cystosarcoma phyllodes and fibroadenosis. Although in many cases reasonable response was obtained to conservative treatment. CONCLUSION: Benign breast disease is a challenging and fascinating subject. There is no significant classification of the benign breast diseases and inclusive terms. It is observed that though many of these diseases present themselves clinically differently, times are there when presentations are not fully favouring either of the benign type and sometimes they may clinically simulate malignant disease. This needs to be worked out by good understanding of basic presentations of benign breast disease and also conducting systematic clinical, sonological, mammographical and histological studies which may help in searching for answers to several questions that are being posed.

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