
1. Total four sprays as per treatments were undertaken at 15 days interval starting from 15 days after emergence of the crop. 2. Observations on defoliators (semilooper Chrysodeixis acuta , tobacco leaf eating caterpillar Spodoptera litura, and hairy caterpillar Spilosima obliqua if any) and natural enemies, lady bird beetle, chrysopa, and spider was recorded 24 hours before and after 3,7,10, and 14 days after each sprays. 3. The Observations on the larval population of defoliators was recorded from each one meter row length (mrl) by randomly selecting five spots of one meter row length in each plot and average number of larvae /mrl was worked out. 4. Observations on natural enemies was recorded by randomly selecting five plants from each net plots and average number per plant were calculated separately. 5. The yield data from each plot was recorded at maturity stage. 6. The data thus obtained from the above experiment was subjected to statistical analysis after appropriate transformation. Lastly economics and the ICBR of various treatments were calculated.

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