
XML data format is widely used across devices to exchange data due to its main feature of supporting platform independency. Existing or current system used to find given keyword in XML data, a user need to know XML query language to create keyword query, submit the query for processing and get the results. In this approach user having limited knowledge about XML data, often feels complex and difficult to find require keyword in XML data and sometimes they has to use try and see approach to get relevant information. In this paper we will study different keyword based searching methods focusing on fuzzy search approach to find keyword in XML data. This searching techniques allows user explore data based on keyword as they typed even with minor mistakes in their keyword. Our survey paper helps to understand keyword based alternative method for searching XML data. Using this techniques user is able to find require sort of information from XML based file, without knowing XML query language and XML file content. Our survey paper focuses on techniques based on keyword search to retrieve top-k results, top-k algorithm to achieve high result quality and search efficiency and effective ranking method, early algorithm termination techniques while identifying top-k results and effective index structures.

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