
Human resource is an important factor in achieving organizational goals. An organizational achievement cannot be separated from the role of top leaders in formulating the right strategy. This is because the top leaders are the strategic planners responsible for an organization's success or failure. The formulation of an appropriate strategy requires the participation of all organizational components, from leaders to employees. All these components must understand each of their respective functions to contribute to achieving organizational goals. This study aims to determine strategic leadership's effect on employees’ creativity through voice behavior mediation. This stud y's population were the employees at 6 construction companies in Bandar Lampung that were 230 employees, and the sample size representing the population to be studied, 146 employees. The test results in this study found that voice behavior could mediate strategic leadership's influence on employees’ creativity. Strategic leadership's indirect effect on employees’ creativity, mediated by voice behavior, increased more than the direct effect. This indicates that empirically voice behavior could significantly mediate the influence of strategic leadership on employees’ creativity.

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