
BACKGROUND Radiography is one of the important tools that dentists use to diagnose dental diseases in the oral cavity. Exposure of radiation is associated with hazardous effects on oral tissues. Doctors must have enough knowledge regarding the consequences of radiation exposure. The purpose of this study was to assess knowledge and perspective of dental practitioners towards dental radiography. METHODS This descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted in the month of November and December 2020, among dental practitioners who worked in the state of Sindh. All the participants were given the questionnaire survey link through social media including Facebook, WhatsApp, and Email and 24 closed ended questions were asked regarding dental radiography. A total of 247 dental practitioners responded and participated in the study. RESULTS Our study showed that only 3.60 % of general practitioners (GP) reported that they did not have radiographic unit. The participant’s knowledge regarding the technical details of equipment was limited. Majority of dental practitioners preferred long cone, more than 50 % specialist recommended F-speed of film. 34.53 % of general dentists and 37.73 % of specialists responded that they have digital radiography. More than 50 % of dental practitioners didn’t have license for x-ray equipment. Majority of them utilized paralleling technique for periapical x-ray. 63.40 % of GP and only 11.32 % of specialist held x-ray film with the fingers when taking x-ray. 30.41 % of GP and 24.52 % of specialist took the radiographs themselves, whereas 35.05 % had x-ray done by technician. Only 1.54 % of GP and 3.775 % of specialists gave the radiographic packing materials to specialized company in order to discard the waste materials. Only 6.70 % of GP and 11.32 % of specialists had the walls of the x-ray room covered with lead. CONCLUSIONS This study concluded that dental practitioners have little knowledge regarding dental radiography. KEY WORDS Knowledge, Perspective, Dental Practitioners, Dental Radiology

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