
This study performed eco-geographical prospecting on five populations of wild ‘de-sono’ passion fruit plants in the rural zones of five towns from two distinct agroecological units in the state of Bahia. Ripe fruit from plants from these populations that had fallen to the ground were physicochemically characterized and had their phenotypic variability dispersion among the populations estimated via uni- and multivariate variance and grouping. Among them, the five populations presented univariate and multivariate differentiation. The large majority of multivariate contrasts between the location pairs were shown to be statistically significant Hotelling's T-squared test. The five populations were arranged in a dendogram containing two groups, since a standard of spatial variation between the populations has still not been detected by Mantel Test, although it presents coherence in regards to the agroecological units from which they are allocated. The results are discussed in terms of genetic variability among populations, and the relationships between this diversity, the environmental factors of the ecogeographical units where the plants of the sampled populations were collected, and the implications of the results in terms of selection and use for the genetic improvement of passiflora.   Key words: ‘Do-sono’ passion fruit, native fruits, genetic variability, selection, genetic improvement.


  • E eographical p prospe ecting a and ph henotyp pic dis spersio on in trransition are eas bettween the e caatiinga an nd cerr rrado o of Brazzil

  • ANAVA has identified that the five plant populations exhibit fruits that are statistically different in regard to physicochemical characteristics of fruit studied

  • The morpho-agronomic descriptors were used to determine the genetic variability of the species obtained values of the variation coefficient (VC, %), which varied from 5.5 to 31.8; showing that the variables used present different levels of heterogeneity

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E eographical p prospe ecting a and ph henotyp pic dis spersio on in trransition are eas bettween the e caatiinga an nd cerr rrado o of Brazzil. This study performed eco-geograp e hical prospe ecting on fiv ve population ns of wild ‘d de-sono’ passion fruit plants in th he rural zone es of five tow wns from two o distinct ag groecological units in the e state of Ba ahia. Ripe fruit from plants from m these pop pulations th hat had falle en to the g ground were physicoch hemically characterized and had their phenottypic variability dispersio on among th he populations estimated d via uniand multiva ariate varian nce and grouping. The five e population ns were arran nged in a dendogram m containing two groups s, since a sta andard of sp patial variatiion between the populattions has still not bee en detected by Mantel Test, it presents s coherence in regards tto the agroe ecological units from which they are allocate ed. 7.8 th housand hecttares of passiflora, making g the state the e bigge est national prroducer (Roncatto et al, 2005)

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