
N-Acetyltransferase 2 (NAT2) gene is known for its polymorphism. The genetic variations leads to the change in the N-acetylation activity and these differences in the acetylation activity leads to the classification of the population into various groups such as rapid, intermediate and slow acetylators. In the present study, we identified different mutations and alleles by sequencing a stretch of 927 bp which covered exon 2 of NAT2 gene and is reported to have all the allelic variants reported till date. Previously identified mutations and some new allele sub-type were detected for NAT2 gene in the present study. Overall, we were able to classify 94 individuals into two distinct groups as slow and intermediate acetylators based on their genotype. Out of all the reported alleles, NAT2*4, *5, *6, *7 and *12 alleles were found in the studied population (n=94) and two new allele subtype NAT2*5P and NAT2*7C were detected in the studied population which have not been reported earlier. We did not observed any gender differences in the present study based on NAT2 acetylation activity.     Key words: N-Acetyltransferase 2 (NAT2), polymorphisms, slow acetylators, rapid acetylators.   &nbsp


  • National Institu ute of Pharma aceutical Education and Re esearch (NIP ER) Ahmeda abad, C/o B

  • The present study was focused on n deteccting the kno own and the unknown mu utations N-Acetyltransferase 2 (NAT2) gene in Indian pop pulation

  • The sequencing data was analyzed for the presence of known and unknown polymorphisms

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Variants of NA

V. gene is known fo or its polymo orphism. Gene is known fo or its polymo orphism Th he genetic va ariations leads to the change in the N-acety ylation activ vity and thes se differenc ces in the a acetylation a activity lead ds to the classificatio on of the pop pulation into o various gro oups such as s rapid, interrmediate and d slow acety ylators. NAT2 gene in the prese identified mutations m an nd some new w allele sub-type were d etected for N ent study. 2*7C were detected in n the studied d population n which hav ve not been reported ea arlier. We did not obse erved any gender diffe erences in th he present sttudy based on o NAT2 ace etylation activ vity. AT2), polymo orphisms, slow w acetylators,, rapid acetyla ators. N-acetyla ation activity y is associa ated with drrug effe ects or toxicitties and susc ceptibility to various v cance ers

The e ability of NA
Intternational Lice ense
New alleles in Indian population
Cha auhan and Pa adh
Comparison of o the geno otype frequen ncies of NA
Stu udied populattion
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