
Solar saltpans are ponds of brine sun evaporated to crystallize salt (Halite). Once provide ambient ecology for several halophilic microalgae. Enumeration of microorganisms in Thoothukudi solar saltpans revealed the presence of 30 genera of microalgae belonging to the divisions of Cyanophyta, Bacillariophyta and Chlorophyta. Chlorophyta species is the dominant group of solar salterns of Thoothukudi. Key words: Solar saltpans, halophilic microalgae, diversity, salt production and Thoothukudi.


  • Solar saltpans are man-made system of interconnected ponds (Reservoir, Condenser and Crystallizer) for the production of salt from seawater and/or underground brine by means of evaporation

  • Chlorella sp., Chlorococcum sp., Closterium sp., Dunaliella sp. and Cosmarium sp. of chlorophyta taking together occur in greater quantities compared to other division of microalgae. 34.61% of Bacillariaphyta species viz, Nitzschia sp., Synedra sp., Mastogloia sp.,Navicula sp., Cymbella sp., Amphora sp., Cyclotella sp., Caloneis sp., Diatoma sp., Coscinodiscus sp., Pleurosigma sp., Pinnularia sp., Fragillaria sp., and Gyrosigma sp., were recorded

  • Bacillariophyta predominant its assemblage, the presence of microalgae assemblage provides the beneficial effect of salt production as colorization promotes solar evaporation (Lakshmanan, 2008)

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Solar saltpans are man-made system of interconnected ponds (Reservoir, Condenser and Crystallizer) for the production of salt from seawater and/or underground brine by means of evaporation. Systems aiding salt production maintain stable species composition and concentrations, they produce and accumulate sufficient organic matter to power the biota, prevent leakages and increase the solar energy absorption (Reginald and Diana, 2008; Lakshmanan, 2008). The microalgae colour the brine by producing floating coloured cells in high concentrations (Oren et al, 1992); besides enhancing, the rate of evaporation in saltern. These microorganisms play a very important role in the recycling of materials (nutrients and other substances) in saltpan ecosystem and occupy important membership in of biogeochemical cycles (Kabilan et al, 2012).

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