
The wireless and mobile communication systems have enormous growth in recent years because many people use mobile devices for acquiring different services like browsing, multimedia applications and file sharing etc. Mobile IPv6 (MIPv6) is probably the most extensively known IP mobility support protocol when compared to the Mobile IPv4. But in the Mobile IPv6, there are some serious problems such as, handover latency, high overhead, packet loss problem. In this survey to analyze different extensions of the Mobile IPv6 for improving the performance. As a result, the various extensions of Mobile IPv6 such as hierarchical Mobile IPv6 (HMIPv6) and fast handover for Mobile IPv6 (FMIPv6) has primarily focus on the performance improvement in MIPv6. The requirement for modification in the mobile nodes may arise the complexity. On the other hand, the host-based mobility management protocols like MIPv6, HMIPv6, and FMIPv6 and a network based localized mobility management protocol like Proxy Mobile IPv6 does not necessitate any alteration on the mobile node while a proxy mobility agent in the network attains mobility-related signaling on behalf of the MN. Particularly, in this survey examine the different host based and network based mobility management protocols to show how to reduce the handover latency and reduce the overhead.

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