
Shwitra or Shwet-Kushtha can be correlated with skin disease “Vitiligo”.[1] Vata and Bhrajaka pitta reside in skin. An imbalance in those may cause skin diseases. Shwitra is of two types, that is kilas and varuna.[2] Shwitra differs from other skin disorders by the normal functioning of all but the skin tissue (twak)[3] resulting in discoloration of the skin (twakvaivarnyata), without discharge (aparisarav stravi). [4,5] There are many theories regarding the cause of vitiligo. The main cause is autoimmune, genetic, psychological, endocrine disorder, chemical contact and adverse drug interaction.[6,7] In Ayurveda, the real causes as Nidan-causative factors are considered as untruthfulness, ungratefulness, disrespect for the Gods, insult of the preceptors, sinful acts, misdeeds of past lives and intake of contradictory food.[8] In Ayurveda, Shwitra is considered in Kushta. Though, it is not painful but in society, it is a hating state and dreadful condition, many people are suffering from this condition. It creates mental discomforts in a person due to stigma. A 9-year-old boy had been suffering from white patches over both elbows, both knees, ankles with mild itching over affected area. In this case, we used Shaman and Shodhan therapy which included snehapan, vaman, virechan, prachan, jaloka and external ointment advised to apply on the affected area in the morning at 9am and evening at 4 pm with exposure to sunlight for 2 months daily. Multiple lines of treatment were used which enhanced the proliferation of melanocytes. The colour of the affected skin area became red and size diminished to some extent. We wanted to study about Shwitra, its pathological manifestations, symptoms in detail and to assess the effect of individual panchkarma therapies in Shwitra.

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