
In this study, the availability of electric power supply in the Oleh community of Isoko South Local Government Area of Delta State, Nigeria was carried out. The methods employed in achieving this include the use of Hour – Meter to register the number of hours supply was available for a period of three months, Multimeter and Ammeter were used to measure the supply voltage and current at any given time. The load shedding method adopted in the community by the Benin Electricity Distribution Company, BEDC was also investigated. The results showed that power availability in the community for the three months under review was very bad. The average percentage of power available for the three months was 11.8%, meaning 88.2% of the time, power was unavailable. The power reliability index for each month of the study was negative; -5.94, -7.82 and -5.94 for June, July and August, 2015 respectively against a recommended value of high reliability of 0.989. This poor power availability accounts for the underdevelopment of the community.

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