
Objectives: To compare the adiponectin/leptin ratio and intima media thicknessbetween normal and atherosclerotic individuals. To find out the association of A/L ratio withIMT in atherosclerotic patients. Study Design: Comparative cross sectional study. Placeand Duration of Study: This study was conducted at department of Physiology, BMSI incollaboration with Radiology department, Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Centre Karachi, from16th December 2014 to 15th December 2015. Methodology: 160 subjects having Dopplerultrasound of neck were selected on the basis of pre-determined criteria. They were grouped incases i.e. atherosclerotic group (80 subjects) and control i.e. healthy group (80 subjects). Age> 20 years, both genders, patients for ultrasound Doppler for neck region irrespective of theirprovisional diagnosis, patients suffering from co-morbid conditions like diabetes, hypertension,chronic kidney disease, chronic liver disease, asthma and COPD and Healthy individuals(Controls) were included in this study. Patients who fail to gave consent and patients whoseultrasound findings were not up to the mark required for diagnosis were excluded from thisstudy. Results: Out of 160 patients in this study in control Male: Female ratio was 1:1.1 whilein cases, Male: Female ratio = 1:1. Majority (53.1%) of cases had age >50 years {41(51.25%)in controls and 44(55%) in cases}. Mean ages in two groups (controls and cases) were49.39+12.30 years and 53.31+10.09 years respectively (p = 0.029).44 (22.5%) patients weresmoker and 116 (72.5%) were non-smoker. In control group, 13 (16.3%) were smokers whereasin cases 31 (38.8%) were smokers (p = 0.002). Mean triglyceride levels were statistically highin atherosclerotic subjects as compared to healthy individuals (138.31+62.65 mg/dl and125.73+46.17 mg/dl respectively; p=0.024). Mean IMT of both right and left carotid arteriesexamined via carotid Doppler ultrasound were statistically high in atherosclerotic individuals ascompared to healthy subjects {(Right carotid; 0.83+0.23 mm and 0.63+0.16 mm respectively;p=0.022) (Left carotid; 0.85+0.25 mm and 0.64+0.16 mm respectively; p=0.004)}. MeanLeptin levels were statistically high in atherosclerotic individuals as compared to healthysubjects (332.32+555.31 ng/ml and 254.55+224.66 ng/ml respectively; p=0.001). However,the difference in Adiponectin levels was insignificant (7.93+4.80 μg/ml and 9.45+4.73 μg/mlrespectively; p=0.343). Conclusion: We conclude that plasma levels of Adiponectin and Leptinare significantly higher in atherosclerotic than normal individuals.

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