
The present study aims to identify the relationship of the Level of English Language Proficiency along Stress/Intonation, Verbal Abilities, Correct Usage, Reading Comprehension, Spelling and Punctuation, Identifying Error and Logical Organization and their Academic Performance of the 251 college students. Moreover, it aims to determine if their is a significant difference of the respondents’ Level of English Proficiency when they are grouped according to their profile: course, age, sex and dialect spoken. The result reveals that in terms of profile course, there is no significant difference in stress and logical organization. However, in Verbal Abilities, Reading Comprehension, Correct Usage, Identifying Errors and Spelling and Punctuation, there is a significant difference. As to profile age,there is no significant difference in Stress/Intonation, Verbal Abilities, Correct Usage, Spelling and Punctuation, Logical Organization. But in Reading Comprehension and Identifying Errors, there is a significant difference. Respondents aging 18 are better than the rest in Reading comprehension and Identifying Errors. Along profile sex, there is significant difference. Female are better than male in Reading Comprehension, Correct Usage and Identifying Errors. In terms of profile Dialect Spoken, there is no significant difference in English Proficiency Level of the respondents. As to the Academic Performance of the respondents, they are within the average level with 176 or 70.1%. The result reveals that there is significant relationship between the respondents’ Level of English Proficiency and their Level of Academic Performance.

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