
The article provides an overview of alternative activity English lesson forms, including online resources and social servers that can be used at the English lessons while teacher training. Today global informatization of the public causes total extension of social networks and accessible Internet services. The urge of using online learning tools in English lesson is emphasized by the author. The study focuses on the possibilities to use alternative activity lesson forms, as well as the Internet space, in lesson activities in general and the teaching of future English teachers in particular. Social networks contribute to free, cheap, elucidated, and direct contact with the hearers; promote engaging in discussions, learning new topics, acquiring and consolidating new knowledge and skills, assessing their and the colleagues’ activity, thinking reproving; stimulates the higher education applicants’ formation of firm motivation to study foreign languages.Late reviews prove that social networks are very public among higher education applicants all over the world. It helps young people to conjoin on educational, cognitive interests, hobbies, and preferences, and on educational purpose – learning English. All this increase the possibilities of a normal occupation and transfer it to a new stage. The author indicates the ways to develop creative qualities of teachers of English. To educate a creative and successful would-be teacher, it is an educator of a higher education institution who is to use creativity as an inseparable part of his everyday life, but not as a casual irregular motion.
 Keywords: English teacher training; alternative activity lesson forms; Internet resources; social servers; creative teacher; teacher training institution of higher education; English teaching; information and communication technologies.

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