
AbstractThis study employed a large-scale cross-sectional survey (n=443) to identify the structural relations among regulatory styles (motivations), identity changes and second language (L2) possible selves of Chinese students undertaking tertiary study in New Zealand. Three specific models were tested. Specifically, ideal L2 model revealed that integrated regulation had a substantial (positive) effect on ideal L2 self and had a small but significant indirect effect on ideal L2 self through additive identity change; ought-to L2 model showed that introjected regulation had a positive and substantial contribution to both split identity change and ought-to L2 self; and dreaded L2 self model demonstrated that external regulation had a positive and large contribution to dreaded L2 self. The models delineate the dynamic and interactive process of L2 learning development, which helps L2 learners to develop their identity and self so that they may develop an adaptive identity and a positive L2 self in their future L2 study. As a result of this study, it is suggested that the literature on L2 motivational possible selves should include Markus, H. & P. Nurius. 1986. Possible selves.American Psychologist41. 954–969. ‘dreaded L2 self’ alongside Dörnyei, Z. 2005.The psychology of the language learner: Individual differences in second language acquisition. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. L2 Motivational Self System, because L2 learners’ motivations and self-identities seem to be multifaceted and complex.

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