
Japan is a country in which the mother tongue is sacred. However, globalization has made English language increasingly important in Japanese higher education institutions. In support of globalization, the Japan Ministry of Education has introduced “Global 30” and Gendai Programs. Henceforth, there is development of English language in Japanese higher education institutions. As our preliminary research, we analyze the approach taken by Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST) to develop an English language program. We choose JAIST because they are the leader for internationalizing an educational program in advanced science and technology in Japan particularly for postgraduate studies. The findings show that JAIST leaders first emphasize contribution to the advancement of world science, in accordance with rapid internationalization since the 1990s. The contribution is the continuous development of English programs for science and technology. Second, they cultivate potential scientists by acceptance of foreigners as students, postgraduates and faculty members; collaboration with visiting researchers; agreements on academic exchanges with foreign universities and institutes; and holding international symposia. These steps further create an internationalized environment in JAIST. These two approaches lead to the continuous development of English language programs in JAIST. Hence, there is integration of Japan’s science and technology in internationalization.

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