
Today the contemporary world is facing social, moral, ethical, cultural and political challenges. One of the causes of social problems is lack of moral values in young generation especially the undergraduate students studying in universities. This results in unethical conduct, immoral behavior and actions such as robbery, sexual abuses, drug abuses, violence, and killing have been common among youth all over the world. Societies and nations with morality in youth are more likely to flourish compared to the societies characterized with unethical values. Since, the education is primary source for character building of youth and the contemporary education system of Pakistan is failed to produce ethical norms and values in the youth. The texture of social life is saturated with evil and threats, divorce, adultery, marital infidelity, family disorientation, child abuse and a high living cost which has led to the growth of social crime. Ethical principles are shattered to pieces with little or no social significance. Similarly, students studying in universities are lacking in moral values. Disrespect of teachers, parents, unethical attitude, dishonesty and bad conduct is very much common among university students now a day. Keeping in view this worst scenario, this study is aimed to highlight the unethical conduct of students and Islamic theory of ethics in order to find a solution to improve moral values of students in the light of Islamic teachings.

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