
The main purposes of the study are investigating the types and factors cause errors in using adjective clauses. The method of this study was descriptive qualitative method which focused to describe the types of errors and to describe the factors causes’ error. The subjects of this study were 20 students from the first Semester students of English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Sampit. In taking sample, the writer used snowball sampling. In collecting the data, the writer used four types techniques, they were observation, test, interview, and documentation. In data analysis procedure, the writer uses data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing/verification. The result of this study showed the types of error made by First Semester students of English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Sampit in using adjective clauses classified into four categories. The highest error made by the students was misordering with frequency 85 (80,95 %). The second error made by the students was omission with frequency 9 (8,57 %). The third error made by the students was misformation with frequency 9 (8,57 %). The fewest error made by the students was addition with frequency 2 (1,90 %). Based on the analysis of the data, the factors that cause error in using adjective clauses classified into two factors. They are teacher and students’ factor. Teachers’ factor is caused by the competence of the teacher. Students’ factor is caused by overgeneralization and translation. It is suggested that for the students, they should learn and practice more how to use adjective clauses in sentences. For the teachers, they are suggested to explain more intensively about adjective clauses and provide additional teaching hours for the students who face difficulties and also, they are suggested to give the students more practice and exercise to add their knowledge about the kinds of adjective clauses sentences.

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