
PART I: FRAMEWORKS The Discursive Framing of Phonological Acts of Identity: Welshness through English N.Coupland A Sociolinguistics of `Double-Consciousness': English and Ethnicity in the Black Experience A.A.Mazrui Basic English, Chinglish, and Translocal Dialect Y.Huang PART II: REPRESENTATIONS Representing Jewish Identity through English C.Goldin Bernstein Linguistic Displays of Identity among Dominicans in National and Diasporic Settings A.J.Toribio PART III:CONTEXTS Speaking for Ourselves: Indigenous Cultural Integrity and Continuance S.J.Ortiz English and the Construction of Aboriginal Identities in the Eastern Canadian Arctic D.Patrick Constructing a Diaspora Identity in English: The Case of Sri LankanTamils A.S.Canagarajah PART IV: CONNECTIONS Teaching English among Linguistically Diverse Students J.Bough Playing with Race in Transnational Space: Rethinking Mestizaje M.Farr African American Vernacular English: Roots and Branches J.Rickford Race and Ethnicity in the English-speaking World J.Brutt-Griffler

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