
DEAR SIR: I was very much interested in the report of a New York Academy of Science panel discussion on the engineers' public image (C&EN, Jan. 22, page 36). A statement by Dr. S. W. Churchill reported in the article deserves closer scrutiny. He is quoted as saying students of the humanities sneer at their peers studying engineering. In my opinion this statement is symptomatic of the problem itself. So long as we engineers consider ourselves superior, rather than equals, to the humanities student we will be resented and deservedly so. For too long, the optimum design point has been based on maximum profit alone. The public has observed our traditional methods of waste disposal and how we only respond to threats of legislation. Dr. John Mc-Ketta in a recent article in Chemical Engineering Progress called this our greatest failure. Until we condescend to become and act like team players with the social scientists, the ...

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