
Providing efficient electronic transport channels has always been a promising strategy to mitigate the recombination of photogenerated charge carriers. In this study, a heterostructure composed of a semiconductor/photoinactive-metal-organic framework (MOF) was constructed to provide innovative channels for electronic transport. Prepared using a previously reported method ( Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. 2016, 55, 15301-15305) with slight modifications to temperature and reaction time, the CuS@HKUST-1 hollow cuboctahedron was synthesized. The CuS@HKUST-1 heterostructure possessed a well-defined cuboctahedral morphology with a uniform size of about 500 nm and a hollow structure with a thickness of around 50 nm. The CuS nanoparticles were uniformly distributed on the HKUST-1 shell. Structural characterization in cooperation with density functional theory (DFT) calculations revealed that CuS can effectively transfer photogenerated electrons to HKUST-1. CuS@HKUST-1 hollow cuboctahedrons were first introduced to the photocatalytic cycloaddition reaction of CO2 with epoxides, demonstrating excellent photocatalytic activity and stability at mild conditions (room temperature, solvent-free, and 1 atm CO2 pressure). The high photocatalytic performance of the CuS@HKUST-1 hollow cuboctahedron could be attributed to (1) the unique hollow cuboctahedron morphology, which provided a large specific surface area (693.1 m2/g) and facilitated the diffusion and transfer of reactants and products; and (2) CuS@HKUST-1 providing electronic transport channels from CuS to HKUST-1, which could enhance the adsorption and activation of CO2. Cu2+ carrying surplus electrons can activate CO2 to CO2-. The charge separation and transfer in the photocatalytic process can also be effectively promoted. This work provides a cost-effective and environmentally friendly approach for CO2 utilization reactions under ambient conditions, addressing the critical issue of rising atmospheric CO2 levels.

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