
We study the quantum state of twin photons generated by parametric down-conversion in a two-dimensional nonlinear photonic crystal, driven by a dual pump beam. The interplay between the grating of the ${\ensuremath{\chi}}^{(2)}$ nonlinear response and the transverse spatial modulation of the pump opens a rich scenario of possibilities for controlling the quantum state. We focus on a spatial resonance condition between the pump and the nonlinear grating, where a quadripartite entangled state is generated in proper light modes. The device is shown to implement the mixing of a pair of independent two-mode squeezed states onto four separate spatial modes, without the need of any external beam-splitter. Remarkably, both the squeezing parameters and the mixing coefficients can be reconfigured by modulating the relative phase and intensity of the two pumps, enabling thus the generation of a variety of quantum states in a single device.

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