
This Research Full Paper shows and analyzes the results of a study carried out by the IEEE-Education Society Spanish Chapter about several key aspects of the implementation in engineering degrees along Spain of the Bologna process, also known as the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). The study was divided into two surveys. The first survey consisted in an updated version of a previous one performed six years ago for comparison purposes. The main results were used to identify some key topics about the EHEA implementation along these years. The second survey involved new questions focused on the key topics identified in the first one. The main contribution of this paper is to offer a clear vision of the development of the EHEA in Engineering in Spain. It gathers the opinion of engineering professors related to which objectives of the EHEA have been met and which have not, and if it has really been worthwhile and our engineers come out better prepared than with the previous system. The findings of this study, as a main conclusion, show a general agreement about the lack of resources and support and the many different views about what Bologna indicates. Therefore, the need arises for a debate, not only in Spain but also in the EHEA, about the advantages and drawbacks of the Bologna process, and its possible improvements.

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