
AbstractThe importance of dissipation engineering ranges from universal quantum computation to non‐equilibrium quantum thermodynamics. In recent years, more and more theoretical and experimental studies have shown the relevance of this topic for circuit quantum electrodynamics, one of the major platforms in the race for a quantum computer. This article discusses how to simulate thermal baths by inserting resistive elements in networks of superconducting qubits. Apart from pedagogically reviewing the phenomenological and microscopic models of a resistor as thermal bath with Johnson–Nyquist noise, the paper introduces some new results in the weak coupling limit, showing that the most common examples of open quantum systems can be simulated through capacitively coupled superconducting qubits and resistors. The aim of the manuscript, written with a broad audience in mind, is to be both an instructive tutorial about how to derive and characterize the Hamiltonian of general dissipative superconducting circuits with capacitive coupling, and a review of the most relevant and topical theoretical and experimental works focused on resistive elements and dissipation engineering.


  • We have reviewed some of the standard models in the field, and we outlined the main techniques for coupling resistors with qubits and controlling dissipation. This opens a number of interesting perspectives for future works, as many theoretical proposals rely on engineering thermal baths acting on quantum devices

  • In quantum information and quantum computing, as we have already seen, engineered reservoirs provide an advantage with respect to adiabatic state preparation, which is slow since it should be slower compared to the energy gap

  • In dissipation engineering of quantum states the final state is protected from perturbations - implementing a form of self-correction

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Engineering Dissipation with Resistive Elements in Circuit Quantum Electrodynamics. This material is protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights, and duplication or sale of all or part of any of the repository collections is not permitted, except that material may be duplicated by you for your research use or educational purposes in electronic or print form. The aim of the manuscript, written with a broad audience in mind, is to be both an instructive tutorial about how to derive and characterize the Hamiltonian of general dissipative superconducting circuits with capacitive coupling, and a review of the most relevant and topical theoretical and experimental works focused on resistive elements and ics of one or more qubits, interacting or not with an external field.[9,10]. The quantization of the above-mentioned circuit components is quite straightforward and well-understood, but including resistors in the formalism of circuit QED is dissipation engineering

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