
The retrofit rod of controlled resistivity clearly has the potential to remove the threat of dry-band arc damage on all-dielectric, self-supporting (ADSS) cables. This is achieved by reducing the maximum current available on the cable for arcing activity. Rods can be applied to polyethylene sheathed cables or arc-resistant sheathed cables and can improve the performance of both. Extensive trials in the UK have shown that the rod works and have confirmed predictions of computer models. However, the engineering of the application of such as solution is complex. Individual spans of different geometry, including cable sag, must be considered. In particular, local variation in pollution is critical; so knowledge of the proximity of the sea or industry must be considered. It is also very likely areas that do not experience much rainfall will be particularly onerous because the cable will not be naturally washed regularly, so the pollution on its surface will tend to build up, reducing its resistance in times of high humidity, fog, and dew

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