
To provide experiential rotation students with educational activities to enhance learning and patient communication skills with respect to nonprescription drug therapy. A longitudinal project, a consultation guide, and a list of mini-projects were developed for a 4-week community pharmacy rotation experience. The longitudinal project was a nonprescription pocket formulary consisting of 4 disease states and their respective treatment options. The consultation guide was a 1-page data collection form intended to capture patient information regarding the use of nonprescription products in a thorough and brief manner. The mini-projects were questions to be answered while spending time in the nonprescription medication aisles. Students were very creative in developing their formularies. They also became more familiar with using nonprescription product references and package labeling information. The consultation guide taught students to apply the "PQRSTA" mnemonic. It prompted discussion of self-care issues and served as a useful educational tool for the preceptor. The list of mini-projects forced students to become familiar with the many nonprescription products available, as well as product line extensions and duplication. Students were able to apply and build upon what was learned during their didactic education. The activities provided an excellent means of enhancing patient counseling and problem-solving skills. Additionally, the preceptor relied on these activities to engage students in conversation pertaining to nonprescription products and self-care related issues.

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