
The scientific article examines the effectiveness and prospects of reforming law enforcement agencies of Ukraine. Issues that arose during the implementation of such a reform, which in turn affected the effectiveness of law enforcement in Ukraine, were highlighted. The issue of introduction of the project «Police detectives» is investigated. The meaning of the concept «police detectives» is revealed, the peculiarities of their work and results are given. Emphasis is placed on the need to make appropriate changes to existing regulations in connection with the reform, as most provisions aren’t consistent with each other or don’t fully regulate certain legal relations. Emphasis is placed on pension reform in Ukraine, highlighting key aspects of such reform. Par-ticular attention was paid, in particular, to the issue of pensions for employees of the National Police in the context of the reform, analyzed the regulations governing legal relations in this area. The problematic aspects of the exercise of the right to a pension by former law enforcement officers, in particular the pay-ment of pensions under the new recalculations, are highlighted. Specific examples from case law on the violation of the right to adequate pension provision are given.

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