
The use of Absent Online Selfie (Senfie) for State Civil Apparatuses within the East Kutai Regency Government is an effort to increase discipline and as an indicator in determining the awarding of awards and additional income for employees in carrying out tasks and functions in regional apparatus organizations. However, in its application in the field, many things could still be improved. This study aims to describe and analyze the implementation of policies regarding the use of Absent Online Selfie (Senfie) in enforcing the discipline of the State Civil Apparatus based on the Circular Letter of the East Kutai Regent Number: 860/0409/BKPP/SE/III/2021 at UPT Puskesmas Karangan, East Kutai Regency, Province East Kalimantan, and aims to describe and analyze the supporting and inhibiting factors in the implementation of the policy. This research was conducted at UPT Puskesmas Karangan. The data collection techniques used by researchers in this study were interviews, observations, and documentation. The results of this study are the implementation of the policy regarding the use of Absent Online Selfie (Senfie) in enforcing the discipline of the State Civil Apparatus at UPT Puskesmas Karangan, East Kutai Regency, seen from the variables of socialization, resources, commitment, and work mechanisms, and it can be said to be successful. Even so, there are still several inhibiting factors, including internal factors, namely, there is still infrastructure whose quality needs to be improved. There are still elements of the State Civil Apparatus who carry out dishonourable actions such as entrusting attendance and so on, while the external inhibiting factors are that there are still State Civil Apparatuses who do not understand digital technology. There are also telephone and internet networks whose signals are slow or unstable.

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