
This paper studies the transceiver design for multiuser multiple-input multiple-output cognitive radio networks. Different from the conventional methods which aim at maximizing the spectral efficiency, this paper focuses on maximizing the energy efficiency (EE) of the network. First, we formulate the precoding and decoding matrix designs as optimization problems which maximize the EE of the network subject to per-user power and interference constraints. With a higher priority in accessing the spectrum, the primary users (PUs) can design their transmission strategies without awareness of the secondary user (SU) performance. Thus, we apply a full interference alignment technique to eliminate interference between the PUs. Then, the EE maximization problem for the primary network can be reformulated as a tractable concave-convex fractional program which can be solved by the Dinkelbach method. On the other hand, the uncoordinated interference from the PUs to the SUs cannot be completely eliminated due to a limited coordination between the PUs with the SUs. The secondary transceivers are designed to optimize the EE while enforcing zero-interference to the PUs. Since the EE maximization for the secondary network is an intractable fractional programming problem, we develop an iterative algorithm with provable convergence by invoking the difference of convex functions programming along with the Dinkelbach method. In addition, we also derive closed-form expressions for the solutions in each iteration to gain insights into the structures of the optimal transceivers. The simulation results demonstrate that our proposed method outperforms the conventional approaches in terms of the EE.

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