
Distributed machine learning (ML) algorithms are imperative for the next-generation Internet of Things (IoT) networks, thanks to preserving the privacy of users’ data and efficient usage of the communication resources. Federated learning (FL) is a promising distributed ML algorithm where the models are trained at the edge devices over the local data sets, and only the model parameters are shared with the cloud server (CS) to generate global model parameters. Nevertheless, due to the limited battery life of the edge devices, improving the energy-efficiency is a prime concern for FL. In this work, we investigate a resource allocation scheme to reduce the overall energy consumption of FL in the relay-assisted IoT networks. We aim at minimizing the overall energy consumption of IoT devices subject to the FL time constraint. FL time consists of model training computation time and wireless transmission latency. Toward this goal, a joint optimization problem, considering scheduling the IoT devices with the relays, transmit power allocation, and computation frequency allocation, is formulated. Due to the NP-hardness of the joint optimization problem, a global optimal solution is intractable. Therefore, leveraging graph theory, joint near-optimal, and low-complexity suboptimal solutions are proposed. Efficiency of our proposed solutions over several benchmark schemes is verified via extensive simulations. Simulation results show that the proposed near-optimal scheme achieves 6, 4, and 2 times lower energy consumption, respectively, compared to the considered fixed, computation adaptation, and power adaptation schemes. Such an appealing energy efficiency comes at the cost of slightly increased FL time compared to the fixed and computation only adaptation schemes.

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