
Technical advancements in embedded systems, wireless communications and physiological sensing allow small size, light weight, ultra low power, and intelligent monitoring devices. A number of these devices can be integrated into energy efficient biotelemetry system with Nano IP, a new enabling technology for health monitoring, sports and military applications. The sensing unit which is wearable device consists of sensors and integrated circuits. These devices are capable of performing health monitoring activities such as heart rate, breath rate, blood glucose, body temperature and nerve stimulus with a personal computer and then monitored parameters can be send to necessary place through Nano IP communication protocol suit. An energy-efficient implementation of Wireless Body Sensor Networks (WBSNs) with embedded technology is designed featured with Work-on-Demand protocol. Dedicated for ultra-low-power wireless sensor nodes, the system consist of a low power Microcontroller unit (MCU), a Power Management Unit (PMU), reconfigurable sensor interfaces and communication ports controlling a wireless transceiver with GSM technology. The MCU, together with the PMU, provides quite flexible communication and power-control modes for energy efficient operations. This system will consumes less amount of power than its existing models, which is less than 3.3 volts. The measured parameters are interfaced with mobile devices through nano IP technology.

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