
Wireless body area network (WBAN) is the subfield of Wireless Sensor Network, employs in the area of monitoring the health of the patient. WBAN is also known as wireless body sensor network in which sensor nodes are fused inside the body of the person to detect their physiological changes. After processing or comparing those obtained data with the pre-stored default value, the packets are transmitted to the base station. Due to the inner-body sensor node, replacement of the battery may hazardous for the person. So, storing up and saving of energy is the main focus inside the WBANs. In this research, we employ the critical data routing code for transmitting the relevant data from inner-body node to the on-body medical super sensor (MSS) node. Here, MSS act as a controller that can manage all the injected sensor node inside the body of the person as their member. And, if inner-body sensor node is detecting any corporal activities from the human body then it compares those data with the pre-stored threshold level value of that sensor node, and if sensor obtained more deviation in their results then it follows the critical data routing (CDR) for the transmission process, unless it goes to the rest mode. In other words, the sensor node can only be transmitted the critical packet data to their near-by controller and avoiding the redundant picking of normal packet data. By following this procedure we can save the maximum of energy for the sensor so that it alive for the greatest period of time that lead to continuous monitoring of the patient and also maximizes the lifespan of the network. Simulation can be done on MATLAB that can show the finest outcomes in terms of energy spending, network lifespan, throughput- efficiency, hold up by any one of the steering protocol when there is a comparison between CDR, REEC, and SIMPLE respectively.

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