
This study, while reviewing some of the established unified equations and fundamentals of the energy structure and providing a detailed interpretation of their physical concepts, expands the relevant equations for new topics and applications, and in fact, establishes novel results and equations from the energy structure analysis. In fact, this paper establishes an energy components-based-general model inspired by the first and second laws of thermodynamics as well as using a new division to the total energy of the system. The established model is completed by extracting the physical direction for the feasible processes based on the energy components of the system. As two of the most important achievements of the energy components approach, using a new quasi-statistical approach as well as a novel energy conservation principle, an entropy equation is gained that has a common basis as the Boltzmann entropy equation as well as a general solution to the different formulations of the second law of thermodynamics is established. The established equations are gained without any limiting assumptions, and are governed to any physical system. Several basic examples have been studied, and matching the obtained results with expected ones is shown.

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