
Abstract This paper explores nanoscale energy sensors and absorber metamaterials that can be used in various applications, such as solar cells and infrared detectors. It is possible to gain highly efficient and adjustable energy absorption, creating absorber metamaterials at the nanoscale that enhance the performance of solar cells. These metamaterials are based on molecular spintronics devices (MSD) and magnetic tunnel junctions (MTJ). The pillar shaped MTJs are made of two ferromagnetic metals separated by an insulating barrier, such as aluminum oxide (AlOx). The manufacturing process includes photoresist spin coating on a silicon wafer, photolithography, thin film sputtering, and liftoff. Following fabrication, the top and bottom electrodes are covalently bonded by a single molecule magnet (SMM) on the exposed side edges for strong magnetic coupling that changes the magnetic properties of both ferromagnetic metals. This study has considered different thin film deposition materials, configurations, and thicknesses. Magnetic field resonance and light reflectance measurements have been performed before and after molecule attachment to understand the molecule effect on the metamaterials’ energy absorption behavior. The Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) test revealed that the devices shifted following molecule attachment in both acoustic and optical modes. Moreover, due to molecule attachment, there have been significant alterations in the MTJ’s electromagnetic wave absorption characteristics with about 49% less reflectance. This metamaterial has various potential applications in aerospace, renewable energy, sensing, imaging, and communication. It is also a cheaper alternative to traditional solar cells and can inspire the development of smart metamaterials with selective absorption and tunable response.

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