
Energy and energy security have become important to countries aiming to go on the path of sustainable development. In this regard this paper analyses the improvement of energy security which occurs as a result of energy efficiency (EE) improvements in the power sector. In this paper energy security is measured along three main themes which are oil security, gas security and sustainability. The energy systems of the selected countries, namely Sri Lanka, Thailand and Vietnam are modeled using an integer programming based optimization model called “Model for Energy Supply Strategy Alternatives and their General Environmental Impacts” – MESSAGE. Each country is modeled with two scenarios namely the reference scenario which maintains the status quo at the start year and the EE scenario which models EE options in the demand side as supply side alternatives. The time horizon is 2007–2030, where 2007 is the base year and 2030 is the end year. The results are presented for oil security, gas security, sustainability, and also for co-benefits such as mitigation of CO2 emissions, reduction in conventional primary energy use and reduction of local air pollutants such as SO2 and NOx. Results show that energy efficiency in Sri Lanka significantly increases the energy security whilst also accruing co-benefits of CO2 mitigation, mitigation of local air pollution and reducing the conventional primary energy use. In the case of Thailand and Vietnam, energy security is enhanced in the earlier years (2007–2015), but in the longer term of modeling horizon (2020–2030) energy security of both the reference and EE scenarios converge indicating that in terms of long term energy security implementing energy efficiency measures alone would not enhance energy security.

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