
This work presents the microscopic calculation of energy rates (γ-ray heating and (anti)neutrino cooling rates) due to weak decay of selected Fe Isotopes. The isotopes have astrophysical significance during the presupernova evolution of massive stars. The energy rates are calculated using the pn-QRPA model and compared with the independent particle model (IPM), large scale shell model (LSSM) and recent shell model calculation (GXPF1J). The reported (anti)neutrino cooling rates are smaller by up to two orders of magnitude at low core temperature values than the IPM rates. The two calculations compare well at T = 30 GK. The comparison of cooling rates with the LSSM is interesting. The pn-QRPA cooling rates due to even-even Fe isotopes are smaller (up to 2 orders of magnitude). For the odd-A isotopes, the reported rates are bigger up to an order of magnitude. The pn-QRPA computed cooling rates are, up to 2 orders of magnitude, bigger when compared with the GXPF1J calculation. The γ-ray heating rates due to electron capture rates rise with the temperature and density values of the stellar core. On the other hand, the γ-ray heating due to β-decay increases with the core temperature values but decreases by orders of magnitude when the stellar core stiffens. The pn-QRPA computed γ heating rates are bigger (up to 3 orders of magnitude) at high temperatures and densities (for the case of 55,56Fe) when compared with the recent shell model results. Owing to the importance of energy rates, this study may contribute to a realistic simulation of presupernova evolution of massive stars.

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