
This paper presents the evaluation and quantification of energy poverty in Madrid, at the city and district level. The incidence of energy poverty is assessed by means of the High Share of Energy Expenditure in Income indicator combined with the monetary poverty perspective, enabling to identify different energy-poor household profiles. The study links the city and district statistical levels. The analysis of the different household groups at the city level allows identifying several determining factors linked to energy poverty in Madrid. Based on these determining factors, this research explores district statistics by following an area-based approach and assesses its energy poverty distribution. The High Energy Requirements index is then built on these determining factors to help to pinpoint the urban areas where energy-poor households are more prone to be located. The results show that 22.7% of households are at risk of energy poverty and suggest a need for effectively incorporating households’ income levels and a monetary approach into energy poverty assessments. Finally, based on the two-scale (city and district) analysis conducted, this paper concludes with energy retrofitting policy guidelines, distinguishing between the different levels of funding, and the efficiency measures to be implemented according to each particular energy poverty condition.

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