
This study aimed to quantify the energy potential of biogas produced from the anaerobic biodigestion of wastes from the olive oil extraction process through the simulation of scenarios with real data of olive oil production in the South and Southeast regions of Brazil, for the year 2018. We also used fictitious production data for comparative purposes. The simulations were made using the software Biogas generation and energy use effluents and rural waste version 1.0 of the Environmental Company of the State of Sao Paulo. Cost estimation and economic viability were performed using the internal rate of return (IRR), net present value (NPV), payback, and levelized cost of electricity (LCOE), considering the scenarios with and without the Certified Emission Reduction (CER) revenue. Concerning the regions, the Southern Region presented a viable project, with an IRR equal to 11%, NPV of US$ 92.909,28, and a payback of 7.9 years for the scenario with CER revenue. The Southeast region presented unviable projects for both states, Sao Paulo and Minas Gerais. Considering the national electric energy agency Resolutions, viable projects were obtained for Minas Gerais and the Rio Grande do Sul for the scenario with CER revenue.

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