
Pulse solutions of the wave equation can be expressed as superpositions of scalar monochromatic beam wavefunctions (solutions of the Helmholtz equation). This formulation leads to causal (unidirectional) propagation, in contrast to all currently known closed-form solutions of the wave equation. Application is made to the evaluation of the energy, momentum, and angular momentum of acoustic pulses, as integrals over the beam and pulse weight functions. Equivalence is established between integration over space of the energy, momentum, and angular momentum densities, and integration over the wavevector weight function. The inequality linking the total energy and the total momentum is made explicit in terms of the weight function formulation. It is shown that a general pulse can be viewed as a superposition of phonons, each with energy ℏck, z component of momentum ℏq, and z component of angular momentum ℏm. A closed-form solution of the wave equation is found, which is localized and causal, and its energy and momentum are evaluated explicitly.

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