
This paper investigates the Noether versus Killing symmetries and their associated conservation laws of Bianchi type-V spacetimes. The study is carried out using the Maple RIFSIMP package, which converts a set of nonlinear differential equations into the reduced involutive form (RIF). This technique generates an RIF tree, where each branch is solved to obtain the explicit forms of Noether symmetries. Separate RIF trees are used to represent each group. We derive a general expression for the Noether symmetry connected to homothety, and then we investigate this Noether symmetry in each separate group. To explore whether dark energy is associated with Bianchi type-V spacetime, we examine the energy density of each spacetime obtained in association with the Ricci scalar. The symmetries of the larger groups, 11- and 17-dimensional, are presented separately in the tables.

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