
Energy filtered imaging of thick biological specimens offers an excellent alternative to HVEM or IVEM. In order to explore the physical parameters which effect the energy loss spectra and the images formed by various energy loss windows we undertook a quantitative study using a dedicated STEM (VG-HB501) fitted with an energy loss spectrometer and interfaced with sophisticated data acquisition capability. Our mathematical analysis is useful in predicting the quality of bright field thick specimen images formed with energy filtered electrons.Our specimen was the salivary gland of Chironomus tentans which contains giant polytene chromosomes. Conventional preparative methods included fixation, epon embedding, and cutting 0.5 μm sections. Digital images were formed at plasomon (∼25 eV) multiples (n = 0 to 7). For each image the mean (I), maximum and minimum intensities and the standard deviation (σ) were determined.

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