
Metabolic function was measured by open-circuit spirometry for 310 competitive oarsmen during and following a 6-min maximal rowing ergometer exercise. Aerobic and anaerobic energy contributions to exercise were estimated by calculating exercise O2 cost and O2 debt.O2 debt was measured for 30 min of recovery using oxygen consumption (Vo2) during light rowing as the base line. Venous blood lactates were analyzed at rest and at 5 and 30 min of recovery. Maximal ventilation volumes ranged from 175 to 22l 1/min while Vo2 max values averaged 5,950 ml/min and 67.6 ml/kg min. Maximal venous blood lactates ranged from 126 to 240 mg/100 ml. Average O2 debt equaled 13.4 liters. The total energy cost for simulated rowing was calculated at 221.5 kcal assuming 5 kcal/l O2 with aerobic metabolism contributing 70% to the total energy released and anaerobiosis providing the remaining 30%. Vo2 values for each minute of exercise reflect a severe steady state since oarsmen work at 96-98% of maximal aerobic capacity. O2 debt and lactate measurements attest to the severity of exercise and dominance of anaerobic metabolism during early stages of work.

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