
ABSTRACT The new integration of a cogeneration system consists of an ammonia–water solution cycle powered by biomass energy resources is applied to produce power and cooling load. In this system, the biomass is converted into syngas in a gasifier, then this syngas in a boiler generates heat to run an ammonia–water solution cycle to achieve these purposes. A 4E analysis including energy, exergy, exergoenvironmental and economic of this cogeneration is examined for the best performance of this system. Moreover, the effect of changing biomass resources including oats strand, rapeseed, wheat straw, and alfalfa in this investigation are examined. The net electrical power of 1364 kW with a 1917 kW cooling load can be produced by this new cogeneration system. Furthermore, the energy and exergy efficiency of this system is computed as 23.3% and 10.1%, respectively. The maximum percent of the exergy destruction rate belongs to the boilers, separator, and vapor generator. The net present value and payback period of the proposed system are equal to 15.1 million $ and 4.9 years, respectively.

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