
<p>Wireless sensor network (WSN) has attained enormous growth in recent times due to availability of tiny and low cost sensor devices. The sensor network is been adopted by various organization for various application services such environment monitoring, surveillance etc.. The WSN are powered by batteries and are deployed in non-rechargeable remote location. Preserving batteries of these devices is most desired. Many methodologies have been proposed in recent time to improve the lifespan of sensor network among them clustering technique is the most sorted out technique. The drawback of existing technique the cluster head energy degrades very fast due to long transmission which requires amplification as a result energy is lost to the node that is surrounding the cluster head. They did not consider the packet failure likelihood among inter and intra as a results there exist scheduling bottleneck and degrades the energy of sensor devices. To overcome this work present a packet failure estimation model and hop selection optimization model for inter cluster transmission. Experiments are conducted for lifetime efficiency for varied sensor devices for proposed and existing. The result shows that the proposed model performs better than existing in term of network lifetime and energy efficiency.</p>

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