
Cloud computing offers utility-based IT services on-demand to the users on a pay-per-use-basis. The cloud centers consist of physical machines (PMs) with virtual machines (VMs). These data centers consume a large amount of energy due to the improper resource utilization and lack of efficient schedu ling algorithms to perform the task-resource mapping. These issues lead to huge energy consumption along with high maintenance costs and carbon emissions. In this paper, a Power Efficient Scheduling and VM Consolidation (PESVMC) algorithm is proposed to address these issues and the associated challenges. The numerous existing research works concentrated on the application of energy management techniques to hardware level support for the reduction of energy consumption. The proposed algorithm emphasizes on the software level by taking the flexibility of the virtualization technology and it consists of two phases, VM Scheduling phase, and VM Consolidation phase. In the Scheduling phase, the tasks with maximum runtime are allocated to VM, which is expected to consume minimal energy. In the VM Consolidation phase, overloaded and underloaded hosts are determined based on the double-threshold scheme. Further, Live Migration technique is applied for migrating the VMs from over-utilized or underutilized hosts to other hosts with the normal utilization. A power efficient utilization factor is introduced to determine the underloaded hosts. This utilization factor is proven to reduce the number of migrations, which can cause additional energy consumption. Energy efficient Scheduling combined with VM Consolidation is successful in maximizing the resource utilization and minimizing the energy consumption. The experimental evaluation is performed using WorkflowSim and the proposed algorithm achieves significant energy conservation and resource utilization.

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