
VLSI realizations of digit-recurrence binary division usually use redundant representation of partial remainders and quotient digits. The former allows for fast carry-free computation of the next partial remainder, and the latter leads to less number of the required divisor multiples. In studying the previous relevant works, we have noted that the binary carry-save (CS) number system is prevalent in the representation of partial remainders, and redundant high radix representation of quotient digits is popular in order to reduce the cycle count. In this paper, we explore a design space containing four division architectures. These are based on binary CS or radix-16 signed digit (SD) representations of partial remainders. On the other hand, they use full or partial precomputation of divisor multiples. The latter uses smaller multiplexer at the cost two extra adders, where one of the operands is constant within all cycles. The quotient digits are represented by radix-16 [−9, 9] SDs. Our synthesis-based evaluation of VLSI realizations of the best previous relevant work and the four proposed designs show reduced power and energy figures in the proposed designs at the cost of more silicon area and delay measures. However, our energy-delay product is 26%–35% less than that of the reference work.

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