Energy consumption and Greenhouse Gas (GHG) of major Alternative vehicle fuels (AVFs) in Thailand are estimated and compared with conventional fuels by means of full Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). The tool utilized here is the Well-to-Wheels (WtW) module of own model covering the entire lifecycle including: raw materials cultivation (or feedstock collection); fuel production; transportation and distribution; and application in automobile engines (ICE and hybrid engine), compared with conventional petroleum-based gasoline and diesel pathways. The model is based on Thailand’s national conditions with Tsinghua-CA3EM model. Part of this model structure has been adjusted to Thailand specific situations. Therefore, a majority of the parameters have been modified with local Thailand data. Results showed that the all alternative vehicle fuels can reduce energy consumption and GHG emissions compared to conventional fuels. Hybrid ICE engine to reduce energy consumption and GHG emissions when compared to the ICE engine. Biofuels-ICE engine, especially bioethanol from molasses, had the highest reduce energy consumption and GHG emissions. LPG- Hybrid ICE engine had the highest reduce energy consumption.
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