
Representative driving cycles and specific vehicle types play an important role in analyzing energy consumption to provide valuable references for manufacturers and government inspections. In this study, a parallel plug-in hybrid electric vehicle with different driven configurations is employed to analyze energy consumption under a typical driving cycle. Specifically, a typical driving cycle of Tianjin is constructed by integrating the clustering and Markov chain algorithms. Considering the various layouts of energy systems in plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, three different driven configurations (P2, P3, P4) of the parallel plug-in hybrid electric vehicle are established. Finally, the energy consumptions of the different configurations are analyzed under the proposed typical driving cycle and the compared China Automotive Test Cycle. Results of two driving cycles demonstrate that the fuel consumption of the P3 configuration is lower than that of the P2 and P4 configurations, respectively, while the purely electric driving range of the P3 configuration is longer than the other two configurations, respectively. These results provide a basis for the formulation of China’s new light vehicle emission standards and reduce exhaust emission by making the vehicles more economically suitable for the road conditions in Tianjin.

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