
The motivation of the present study is energy generation with thermonuclear fusion. Specifically, it is the attainment of breakeven conditions with a fusionable plasma whereby the output fusion energy is at least equal to the energy expended in creating the plasma and bringing it to fusionable conditions. This objective has eluded the physics community for the past seven decades. It is here suggested that perhaps the reason is that ever-bigger fusion machines are built, which unfortunately have brought results not in line with the expectations, in terms of desired fusion output. The opposite view is taken here, where attention is paid to the energy input, with the objective of minimizing the energy losses. One of the most important losses is a consequence of the limited thermodynamic efficiency of conventional engines that convert heat to work, thus generating the electricity involved in the energy input. This preliminary study shows that the efficiency can be improved if a novel thermodynamic cycle is used with heat recovery and recirculation. No attention is paid in the present study to the applicability of the novel cycle to a working engine but only to its feasibility. After the delineation of the concept, we use a simulation program to confirm that such approach is promising, and the objective of improving the thermodynamic efficiency of conventional heat-engines by at least 10% is realistic. Finally, the economic benefits are quantified of such substantial efficiency improvement on a world-wide scale. Mitigation of the damage to our environment due to the reduced heat rejection is also quantified.

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