
The multimodal segmentation of medical images is essential for clinical applications as it allows medical professionals to detect anomalies, monitor treatment effectiveness, and make informed therapeutic decisions. However, existing segmentation methods depend on paired images of modalities, which may not always be available in practical scenarios, thereby limiting their applicability. To address this challenge, current approaches aim to align modalities or generate missing modality images without a ground truth, which can introduce irrelevant texture details. In this paper, we propose the energy-basedsemantic augmented segmentation (ESAS) model, which employs the energy of latent semantic features from a supporting modality to enhance the segmentation performance on unpaired query modality data. The proposed ESAS model is a lightweight and efficient framework suitable for most unpaired multimodal image-learning tasks. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our ESAS model on the MM-WHS 2017 challenge dataset, where it significantly improved Dice accuracy for cardiac segmentation on CT volumes. Our results highlight the potential of the proposed ESAS model to enhance patient outcomes in clinical settings by providing a promising approach for unpaired multimodal medical image segmentation tasks.

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